Sunday 15 January 2012

Golden Fleece, York

The Golden Fleece is actually a pub. However they have four rooms for guests which is why it is listed under Haunted Hotels. The proprietors actually admit to having no less than five ghosts. Differant accounts of them make reference to different spectres. However, on one Golden Fleece ghost, all accounts agree. That of Lady Alice Peckett, wife of John Peckett who was landlord of the pub in 1702 and Lord Mayor of London.
One of the guest rooms, known as Lady Peckett's Room, seems to a favourite haunt of hers. However, she has also been seen by many guests as she walking up the staircase or gliding along the corridor. It is Lady Pechett who is 'blamed' for objects and furnature being moved. But it couldn't be her who activates the hand dryer in the gents lavatory of the bar in the dead of night, could it!

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