Now owned by the National Trust, the haunted house of Claydon House was the home of the Verney family for over 400 years.
Sir Edmund Verney was Standard Bearer to King Charles I at the Battle of Edge Hill in 1642. The victorious Roundheads demanded that Sir Edmund relinquish the flag. He bravely refused to do saying, "My life is my own. My Standard, the King's". So, Cromwell's men ran him through. But still they could not wrest the Standard from his grasp, so they hacked off his hand and took the Standard and its grisly attachment off in triumph.
It was not until much later, from a ring upon one of its fingers bearing the likeness of the King, that the hand was identified as belonging to Sir Edmund.
The appendage was pried from the flag staff and returned to Claydon House, Sir Edmund's former home, for burial. But ever since, the ghost of Sir Edmund Verney has appeared at the house, apparently searching for the rest of his body which is forever missing on the field of battle.
Grey Lady
Another specter to be found to be found here is the 'Grey Lady' whom some have identified as being Florence Nightingale. It could be possible. She lived many happy years in the haunted house and even kept a pet owl there. I wonder if she ever met Sir Edmund!
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